Please meet Khun Witthaya, an independent politician who served as a Senator for 7 years in Thailand's Upper House, representing a constituency near the Thai town of Khon Kaen.
He is now a Senior Director in Unicity, with big dreams of becoming a Presidential Diamond so that he can go back to his people as a politician again, serving the people regardless of their political affiliations or colours, be it "red" or "yellow", as he had done before as an independent. This time, with Unicity, he will have more power to help make life better for his people!
Khun Witthaya's entry and early success in Unicity represents a new breakthrough for Unipower. Having broken into many corporate boardrooms and upper echelons of Thai society, Unipower is now breaking into the corridors of political power.
This seasoned politician, a naturally powerful speaker on the Unipower Stage in Bangkok on Saturday, 16th January 2010 given his 7 years experience in the cut-and-thrust of Thai politics, enrolled into Unicity as a result of a dare!
His son sought to enrol dad, then out of the Thai Senate but still fraternising in political and high society. But dad feared a loss of face from associating with Network Marketing. He didn't want to be seen too near or inside a Unicity DSC (Distributor Service Centre). He'd rather wait in the car for the son to finish up for up to 2 hours.
When son persisted, Khun Witthaya challenged the son to produce the 100,000 baht monthly income he talked about being able to get before he would consider. The son produced the result, and father had to keep his word.
Khun Witthaya took the UPS stage as a new Senior Director in Unicity, after being in the business for just under one year. Based on the translation of what he said, and a brief chat I had with him at Rama Garden Resort the next day, I gathered that Khun Witthaya was fully attuned to all that happens in the Unipower system. He had humbled himself to go through all the training available - from the 8 Steps Basic Training to the Eagle Camp and others. He was there at the all-day training by the two Presidential Triple Diamonds Khun Joe and Khun Rasa on Sunday, 17th Jan 2010.
On the stage, Khun Witthaya spoke of how he learnt and mastered the 8 Steps, committed to being a Core Leader, worked the 10pts a day Passport of Success programme. As a result, he produced the success that qualified him to take the UPS Stage, and wowed the crowd like no other speaker did.
From the stage, he vowed to work his way up to Presidential Diamond, inspired by the empowering leadership and fine examples of Khun Joe and Khun Rasa. His ultimate dream? "After I have succeeded as a Presidential Diamond, I will go back to my people. I will serve my people again, regardless of political colours. This time, I will be able to do more for them as I can offer them an opportunity to make life better."
That is life after politics, and then, before too long, for Khun Witthaya, a 2nd lease of political life on completing the The Happy Life Project.
What great possibilities. Awesome.