Thank God for creating a magnificent creature like the eagle from which we can draw so many powerful life lessons. One of these has just become especially meaningful to me, empowering me to face off one of the biggest challenges ever in my professional life. You have those challenges yourself, don't you? If so, consider this:
The eagle is not afraid of storms. It expects them.
The eagle can sense a storm coming well in advance.
It does not flee from the bad winds coming towards it. Instead, it positions itself, either on a mountain perch or in mid-air, waiting fearlessly for them.
As the winds blow in, the eagle spreads its wings, in all their magnificant glory, and let the winds blow against its wings.
In so doing, it harnesses the power of the storm to lift itself higher, soaring over the gale.
What a beautiful picture of how we can thrive in adversity and overcome our enemies or detractors, rising above them.
So, fear not. Fly high no matter what obstacles and challenges come our way.
Let challenges strengthen our resolve, sharpen our fighting edge.
Thank God for the Eagles indeed!