Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Cancer Prevention Business

A Book Review
Title: Antioxidants Against Cancer
Author: Ralph W Moss, PhD

If you want to deepen your understanding on the power of antioxidants in the fight against the all-too-common scourge called cancer, read the book, Antioxidants Against Cancer, by Ralph W Moss.

If you want to share with someone who is acutely aware of the pain and fear of cancer, as well as the conventional treatments that it portends, lend them this book.

If you want to win over a medical professional, or challenge a doctor whom you believe is giving bad advice to a loved one about cancer treatment, insists the doctor read this book and then, give you his opinion.

This book makes great inflight reading, and so it was for me on April 9th 2006 as I was flying Singapore-Bali: I found time to read this book again, and this time, slowly, from cover to cover. By the time I was done, I wondered why I let the book sit on my bookshelves half-read, and why I do not have tens and tens of copies to give away or to lend to people.

For those of us who consider fighting cancer and preventing cancer one of our pet causes, personal battles or mission, do count this book among the must-have arsenals that we can use in this battle. (For me, it is my business: I am in the cancer prevention business!)

Let me share with you some of the many interesting ideas and empowering information I picked up from the book.


First, the author is a Director of CancerDecisions.com, an online treatment information resources for cancer patients. He is a leading expert in America on cancer alternatives. He writes with authority, supported by hundreds of references, and yet simply. As oncologist Dr Stephen Sagar of Hamilton Regional Cancer Centre in Canada puts it, it is an excellent evidence-based summary, easily understood by both patients and their cancer treatement specialists.

"Antioxidants against Cancer", the book, is about how to activate your body's natural healing powers with today'smost protective and immune-boosting supplements and foods.

It is a definitive eye-opening book that will show you and your doctors why antioxidant therapy should be offered to every cancer patient. It reveals how we can use antioxidants to:

1. greatly reduce your risk of getting cancer
2. help prevent cancer recurrences
3. decrease the side effects of chemtotherapy and radiation
4. improve the results of conventional treatment.

In this book, we can learn which specific fruits and vegetables are the most powerful weapons in the fight against cancer. Discover which food supplements are an absolutely necessary part of your antioxidant program.

And up to now, I have been quoting extensively from the covers of the book - the front and the back covers! Hee Hee .... Remember I said I read it cover to cover ;->


Now, let's dig into some of the most interesting titbits from inside the book.

p. 5, table of contents: One glance shows that the book delves into the relevance and importance of more than a dozen well-known vitamins and supplements e.g. Vitamins A, C and E, Beta-carotene, CoQ10, Folic and Lipoic Acid .... The coverage is extensive, and can be digested chapter by chapter, starting with those names that one's more familiar with or have bene recommended to consume.

p. 15: On fruits & vegetables with the greatest antioxidant values (or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC), Blueberry tops the list. Also high on the list are blackberry, garlic, kale, strawberry, spinach, brussel sprouts, plum, alfafa sprouts, broccoli floret, beet, orange, red grape, red pepper ...

You know what that list makes me think about? Unicity's Daily Produce 24. Go read the label, see what we have to offer there!

Just in case someone runs away with the list to the supermarket, Ralph Moss presented the list against this contextual advice: "Food is the mainstay of your antioxidant program. But I strongly believe that it is necessary to take supplements in addition to foods in order to get the maximum benefit."

p. 102: Here is one personal nugget should help people and doctors who always worry about over-doses and taking too much supplements - a supplements program which Ralph Moss and his family takes ....

A good multi-vitamin/mineral pill (without iron)
Vitamins A, C and E
Lipoic acid
Grape seeds/Pycnogemnol
Mixed carotenoids

p. 101, Conclusions: In his concluding chapter, Ralph Moss summarize his 3 basic ideas as follows: 1. Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of cancer; 2. Supplements are a necessary part of any antioxidant program; 3. Antioxidants generally improve conventional cancer treatments by decreasing side effects without decreasing effectiveness.

p. 105, Appendix: The author cites 3 types of "synthetic antioxidants" in the appendix to make the point that while medical professionals question the benefit of dietary antioxidants for cancer patients on radiation and chemotherapy, they have been using "synthetic antioxidants" created in chemsitry labs to mimic and presumably improve upon the effects of dietary antioxidants. The point is, if oncologists can routinely prescribe "synthetic antioxidants" along with radiation and chemotherapy, why not dietary supplements?

p. 99: In the penultimate chapter on History Of A Controversy, Ralph Moss said: "In the last few years, we have witnessed a tremendous change in the attitude of scientists towards nutrition and cancer. For audiences of the 21st century, it will become increasingly difficult to understand how bitterly the American medical profession of the 20th century opposed the dietary approach to cancer. Doctors usually claimed they were defending the public from cancer quakery. But while there was some quakery, more often this charge was a figleaf to cover their fear of change."


I say: Whoa .......

I strongly recommend owning many copies of this book, one to read and to refer to, the rest to lend to others to empower them with life-enhancing information in the face of the ever-rising cancer scourge.

Book available from amazon.com at US$9.95

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