Sunday, May 14, 2006

Divine Inspirations


Welcome to my blog, created on this the 15th day of May 2006. I have chosen to call it The 5E Network, naming it after my international network of business partners and customers.

In this maiden bogpost, let me share how I come to be a-blogging.

I was talking to my friend and business partner Sunny Chow over coffee this morning about some of the stuff I regularly send out by email, and he jumped on it, strongly urging me to have a blog where I can archive them for future reference and for the purpose of sharing with people for whom some of these email articles may be relevant. He said it'd take only a few minutes to create a blog. And I said, show me.

So, we walked over from the dining table to my computer in my home office and here I am ... with a blog of my own, sharing my thoughts and inspirations with the world. I never thought I'd be keeping a web-diary open to the world to see ;->

For completeness, and substance, here's the email article that got me started ...

----- Original Message -----
From: Lim Eng Hai
To: The 5E Network
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 7:32 AM
Subject: Listen up, listen well .... for Divine Inspirations ;->
Dear Friends & Partners,

I'd like to share with you some of the amazing messages that I've been picking up from Church lately.

I had learnt that to coach others well, we need to have a coach ourselves, so that we are learning as we are teaching.

I have a Coach .... in the Lord - The Greatest Coach In The World and The Greatest Teacher Of All Times!

Without prejudice to your individual beliefs, please allow me to share with you highlights of my most recent "coaching" sessions ;->



On April 30th, Pastor Prince shared a message that he said will spell "financial abundance" to whoever it is meant for. I know it is meant for me, among others.

Ask God for wisdom ...or, for "an understanding heart ... that I may discern between good and bad" as Solomon did at Gibeon, and everything thing else will follow - long life, riches and honour - 1 Kings 3

Have a listening heart. Listen not just with your ears but with your heart. Ask questions and listen, just as Jesus did at the age of 12.

After a visit to Jerusalem for the feast of the passover with his parents Joseph and Mary, Jesus "tarried", staying behind without the parents' knowledge. It was only one day later that they realized he was not with them. So, they turned back to look for him, and after 3 days, they found him. And what was he doing?

He was sitting amidst the priests at the temple, "both hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers." - Luke 2:46

Understanding shows through with listening and questioning, not talking! Therefore, be slow to speak, swift to hear ...

"Wherefore, my beloved breathren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God." - James 2:19-20

(That last message came at a time when I had just allowed myself to be visibly upset with a business associate over something. It drove to immediately seek to make amends.)


On May 7th, Pastor Lian spoke on wisdom has God had guided her to do, reinforced by a last minute call from Senior Pastor Prince during a moment of doubt ....

Wisdom is a person, she said. That person is Jesus. "Let Jesus be your wisdom from within".

When you need help, there is no need for elegant words spoken in prayers. Just cry out for him, and let him be your wisdom from within.

"The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy." - James 3:17.

Be prepared to accept correction, especially from the wise and anointed. God often speaks to us through others. Think of it as divine correction.

There is more hope for fools than people who think they know it all.

(I've been looking for the exact verse and wordings of the above in the Bible since last Sunday's service, but without success ... until yesterday ... when I caught up with an old friend over lunch. I shared with her the fun that I've been having with consulting God's Word, and my difficulty in locating this verse about wise men and fools. She helped me find it in The Book of Proverbs and pointed me to it late last night. Here it is ....)

"Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool than of him." - Proverbs 26:12


Lastly.... I was going to send out the above email when my son Jia Wei, who had woken up early, interrupted me, and helped me to achieve a "pause for effect".

He said he has something he must show me first. He led me to his room, and guess what he has drawn on the whiteboard?

Speaking and Listening ... A mouth on one side and an ear on the other, with waves connecting the two as the mouth speaks and the ear listens!

I was intrigued, and asked him what inspired him to draw that.

He led me to a book, turned to a page on "Loss of Hearing". It reads: "Hearing loss happens when the ear is damaged by loud sounds or sickness. People use hearing aids to hear better. Other people can't hear at all...." Smiling as I reflect on how "sickness" impairs most people's hearing without their ever realizing that, I closed the book to look at its title.


Jia Wei told me that he had just picked it up from the Library, yesterday.

Amazing! Pause for effect, indeed.

Let's enjoy these divine inspirations and revelations, have fun with them, and let them bless our days and our work :)


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