Singaporeans live longer but suffer 8 years of poor health, screams the headline of a recent news article in The Straits Times, 3 Dec 2007. The sub-title says, a Ministry of Health study shows main causes of sickness are diseases that could be prevented early on e.g. heart attacks, stroke, diabetes.
The article went on to exhort people to go for regular screening in addition to adopting healthier lifestyle choices like eating more vegetables and fish and less red meat and doing more exercise.
There is something else more proactive and positive than going for regular screening i.e. "early detection", and easier to do than changing our diet or adding exercise on a continuous basis.
I have come to understand that all of those diseases mentioned above - heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, are separately classified but they are fundamentally the same disease - unhealthy blood, which have either too much bad cholesterol, too little good cholesterol, too much triglycerides or blood sugar, or a combination of some or all of these.
It is not difficult to set things right.
Add an orange-flavor fiber nutrient lifestyle drink called Bios Life to our daily routine, stirring it into a glass of water and drinking it twice a day, before every major meal, like lunch and dinner.
The cost? Only S$5 a day i.e. S$2.50 each time. If you think that's expensive, think again. How much do people pay for a Starbucks? And if you still think that's expensive, well, try falling sick ;)
Prevention is not only better than cure; it is cheaper too.
How will you know it works? Get a cholesterol test before starting a Bios Life program. Get a second test after two months of taking it twice a day. A comparison of the two results will show you if it works or not.
If you're game to try, or introduce it to someone who badly needs to do something about his health, contact me.
Final thought: Why live until 78 (for men) or 82 (women) and spend eight of those years suffering and being impoverished by preventable diseases, when you can have more life in your years?
Go ahead. Make Life Better!
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