Fresh from the recent recognition rallies, where we recognized new Managers, Senior Managers and Executive Managers in Unicity in Singapore (July 24th) and Malaysia (July 29th), I am very happy to report that we have another wave of rank advancements.
We have a new Director in our midst. She is our beauty queen, Mrs Singapore Universe 2009, Shalina Ismail (3rd from right)!
Sha achieved this rank advancement within 6 months of making the decision to take the Unicity business seriously, and to work with the Team, instead of working alone.
Sha had led a hyper-busy life of a beauty queen with endless social obligations and engagements, a mother of two adorable kids, a working woman with 3 jobs - a senior executive in an events & marketing company, a freelance tour guide and freelance teacher of business to secondary school students, and a highly sociable person with an active facebook presence who is a friend with listening ears and caring heart to many.
It took Vision and Belief to squeeze Unicity into Shalina's already-busy life, and then make it a top priority. A trip to Thailand in February to attend Unicity's Global Convention helped Shalina envision exciting new possibilities for herself and her children. It led her to reset her priorities. She spent more time talking to people about The Happy Life Project, bringing people to the Unicity office and Unipower functions. Sha made time to attend the UPS in Bangkok too. Six months after her decision, Shalina became a Director in Unicity.
Faizal (2nd from left), congratulations to you too, on your advance to Executive Manager. Faizal epitomizes the Power of Being the 1st Follower - the subject of an interesting new video on Youtube/Facebook. Every leader who dared to be different starts with at least one follower, and Faizal is that One. I remember Shalina attending her first Super OPP in August 2009, a meeting which had the privilege of the powerful presence of CEO Stewart Hughes and Presidential Triple Diamond Khun Joe. Sha had two tickets - her first two tickets to a ticketed Unipower function. Her guest was Faizal. After the Super OPP, he followed Sha to the office a few times, and before too long, he too made a decision. Faizal has since transformed from being a quiet, private person, whose character was hardened by many faceless years in government service, into an outspoken, public personality, quick to bring people together, not shy to share his views. Well done, Faizal.
We are also very proud of the achievement of Nurashikin Abu Bakar (3rd from left), a working mother of three. She achieved a triple promotion to Executive Manager in her first full month in the business. Nura joined Unicity with Shalina as her recruiter in late June. Nura became an Executive Manager in July! Nura enjoys the enthusiastic and whole-hearted support of her husband, Muhammad Murtadha Maricar (the chap with the "Diamond Kungfu" pose in front of everyone). He was at first a reluctant user of the products which Nura brought back home from her shopping at Unicity. She shrewdly fed him with Nature's Tea and Bios Life Slim, during the World Cup, when his defences were down and resistance was low, with his body mass plonked in front of the TV, nights!
Muhammad had a moving experience the very next day. Two weeks later, he shed 5kg. Three weeks later, he was 7kg lighter, and wearing his belt three holes tighter. The experience woke him up to the power of Unicity's products. His visit to the office woke him up to the power and camaraderie of the Team. Nura and Muhammad decided quickly they wanted to succeed, big time and fast. They want to qualify for a free trip to Japan in November. The decision, and the quick action that followed, led to their impressive result. Congratulations to our power couple, Nura and Muhammad.
Shalina, Faizal, Nura and Muhammad, we all in the Unipower team are very proud of your achievements. This is an important breakthrough for all of us in Unicity Singapore and Malaysia. Your result validates the Unipower formula for success, X = Y. Your success affirms the 4 Partners concept, where we do not work alone, but instead work with a world-class team, a time-tested company with great products that people want and need, Unicity, and a proven system with guaranteed results, Unipower. I believe your results will inspire may others.
Traditionally, the thinking is "Sedikit sedikit, lama lama menjadi bukit". This Malay idiom, which refers to the labour of the hardworking ants, means "Bit by bit, over a long period of time, we get to create a hill. With our 4 Partners Concept, we have humanize the concept and created something more empowering:
The meaning: Everyone do their little bit, together we will get to the peak.
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