Ever so often in our business of sharing a great idea and many great possibilities for people, we get a "No" for a response. Recently, I received a SMS from a long-time business associate, who said: "I just got 2 No's today. Disappointed. Sigh."
My immediate response was to reply: "Congratulations".
Lest she think I am cavalier about her feelings, I later explained by email, "Why sigh with disappointment (when you get a few No's) when you can smile with anticipation?" Surely, we got to work through the No's to get to the "Yes". And if we don't get enough No's, we won't get to the "Yes"!
Experience confirms that we will get more No's than we will get "Yes". Why is that so? Well, that's life! Isn't that our growing up experience? Isn't that our children's growing up experience? I say, it's easier for us to just accept it, and work with it, than to ask, Why Why Why.
Let's not get emotional with every "No" that we get. A No is just that - a No. It's not even what many tend to call a "rejection" - an emotionally-laden interpretation of a simple two-letter word.
OK OK, if you must have any emotion, try being excited! Why? Because every "No" does indeed bring us closer to the "Yes".
So, come on, straighten up your back and shoulders. Steady yourself. Put that beautiful (or handsome) smile back on your face. Go all out again and again to get as many No's as you can get because you know, that simply brings you the next Yes and another Yes and another Yes ..
Hey, the No's are but the Stepping Stones to Success. See that photo at the top, of a favourite poster of mine that I stick behind the door of a wardrobe in my son's bedroom. I want him to grow up knowing that.
"Don't Quit", it says. "Every obstacle is a stepping to success."
So, if success in life and whatever you do is what you want, do yourself this favour: Walk boldly .. on the stepping stones to your success!
I wish you every success that you deserve.
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