Thank you Todd Smith (USA, Presidential Diamond), Rick Jordan (USA, Diamond), Alexander Krause (Germany, Double Diamond), Daniel Mueller (Germany, Double Diamond), Sven Goebel (Germany, Double Diamond), Aaron Webber (USA, Diamond), Joe Chavich Kim (Thailand, Diamond) and Rasa Comeban (Thailand, Diamond) for your great consel on what it takes to succeed fabulously in the Unicity business.
What a blast!
Consider these gems which I picked out from this Panel Discussion at the 2008 Unicity Global Convention in Busan, 18-20 September 2008:
Strive to excel whatever you do: "The No 1 key to success is to strive for excellence at the key fundamentals of the business. The people at the top simply bring more value to the company and the market than others at lower ends of the payscale. Excel at whatever you do. Every day, get better at all that you’re doing – calls, presentations, asking for a decision, getting people started. Every day, strive for constant and never ending improvement." - Todd Smith.
Know what you do not want: "Most people do not know what they really want. They say it but they do not feel it. So I specialize in helping people figure out what they really do not want. Your “do not want” gives you clues on what you want - very personal goals with energy. We can make something good out of a bad thing. - Alexander Krause. (He asked everyone to take a minute to write what we do not want. What's your "Do Not Want"?)
Take ownership: "This is a great business, an outstanding business. It’s your business. You’re not working someone else’s business. It’s yours. You own it. You control it. If you don’t take the business and own it, you will fail. Make no excuses. It’s not the product nor the compensation plan .. it’s you. Own your business!" - Aaron Webber.
How do they keep themselves motivated:
"A goal not written is only a wish. Carry it in your pocket, close to your heart." - Rick Jordan, who has this written down, "Build 5 legs with 3 Diamonds each. Help 15 other people to become Diamonds"
"Seeing my people succeed" - Rasa Comeban.
"Do what others say are impossible ... Making a difference for others." - Chavich Kim
"Wherever there is a room with no light, light up the candle." - Alexander Krause.
"Doing my part to make us the leading light of the industry. What was, is not going to be. Today’s leaders is not tomorrow’s. We are the most qualified to take industry leadership." - Aaron Webber.
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