Alvin Chan, a 31-year-old stroke patient, shows how he is now able to lift his left hand without the struggle, the pain and the contortions of the recent past. It's been just over two weeks since he was introduced to the rejuvenating powers of Unicity's anti-aging drink Enjuvenate.
Within these few weeks, his mobility has improved so much that the nurses at his stroke rehabilitation centre are sitting up and monitoring his progress closely, inquiring about the reason behind his accelerated recovery.
Alvin Chan suffered a stroke in Jan 2008. The blood vessels in his brain burst in three different places. Surgery helped, and another surgery is due soon - to patch back a hole in his skull.
By Alvin's own admission, the stroke was the result of neglect of underlying conditions such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure. He has a sordid family history punctured by similar episodes. His mother died of stroke while his father was disabled by the same disease and is now being cared for in a nursing home.
"I used to think stroke or heart attack happen only to old people. Now, I know better."
He is being proactive now to make sure it doesn't happen again. He wasted little time putting himself on Enjuvenate after being introduced to it by Ms Yap Wee Cheng (seated next to him) who had been volunteering at his rehab centre and giving him free Yoga Therapy. He is also using Bios Life with a view to weaning his body off the dependence on three different medications for high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Alvin is not only enjoying the first fruits of the better health that Unicity's products offer. He has also seized upon the economic lifeline that comes with membership in Unicity.
He used to be a Yong Tau Fu hawker before stroke felled him. Unable to continue with his business or to get a job, he has been living on public assistance and running down his limited personal savings. Then, one day, in a private conversation, he told Wee Cheng he was looking for a way to make money.
He didn't have enough money to open a S$1,000 Bios Life Franchise account. But he trusted and believed us enough to cough up the cash to buy Enjuvenate for immediate use. He also listened well and took action quickly.
In the two weeks that his body has been healing fast, Alvin wasted no time to share the products with his friends - in the home and outside. By Oct 14, he has generated enough sales of Enjuvenate, Bios Life Slim and other products (like SGGC) to upgrade his Unicity account into that of a Bios Life Franchise.
In the short time that he has been with us, Alvin has been a great inspiration.
His experience has also strongly validated a few of the central themes of our business:
1. Our products work. They do for people what we said they'd do.
2. Having no money is not a good reason to not get started. Those who do not have the S$1,000 to buy the products first can always sell S$1,000 of products before signing up for a franchise.
3. Using the products out of understanding and belief in what "trusted others" say, and then believing the products even more out of first-hand personal experience, is a necessary and powerful first step in our business of word-of-mouth marketing.
Alvin, Congratulations! And Thank You!
The future is now bright and exciting!
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