I was invited to address a women's event, and speak on "Being Inspired". I accepted the invitation and then was asked for my "credentials". So, I put something together and like it enough to want to share it openly on my blog. Here's you getting to know me :)
“Living the life I love and living it powerfully”
Eng Hai, 49, is in “the business of inspiration”, which is to be distinguished from the traditional "business of perspiration”. (No sweat & tears; only big vision & inspired action.) He is living what he calls “the inspired life”, driven by vision and belief, which is nothing like “the contented life”, which is rooted in past disappointments and lowered expectations.
He graduated from National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Social Sciences with a good Honours in Political Science, after reading Politics, Economics and Sociology.
He started working life as a journalist with The Straits Times. He distinguished himself in his work on the financial pages and achieved what was regarded for more than 10 years thereafter as the biggest salary increment ever awarded to a rookie of 2 years' standing, both in terms of quantum as well as percentage.
Three years on, when he was dissatisfied (and lost his inspiration to excel), he readily took up an offer to join a stockbroking company. He worked at JM Sassoon & Co for 13 years, rising from a sales representative, to the position of a head of research for one market and finally, the director of research overseeing all the economic and investment research of the company.
During those 13 years, he became the public face of the company, taking on media interviews – both print and television media, in a calibrated manner, periodically. Amazingly, he remains recognizable till today although his last TV appearance was in 2003.
Two years before his company shut down, due to a massive industry shakeout, Eng Hai – who was present to the challenges of the industry, discreetly found an exit plan. He went into business for himself.
He has been his own boss ever since, taking on appointments only if they fit his own terms. These flexi-time appointments include a stint as Founding CEO of SIAS Research, a subscriber service created for retail investors who would pay for research. He is currently the CEO of the Securities (Stockbrokers) Association of Singapore.
But his preferred economic identity is as a successful network marketing professional, a long-standing leader and proven coach who inspires thousands of people in the region and beyond to live life of their dreams and to stand for exciting possibilities in their lives. (Ask him about X = Y.)
Eng Hai blogs about Life, and the exciting business of Making Life Better, through Great Nutrition, Healthy Lifestyle, Personal Transformation, and The Happy Life Project @ Unicity. This blog is dedicated to all my fellow "freedom fighters", those who dare to dream again, step out of our comfort zones, and take on the Possibility of a Life Lived Powerfully, Happy and Free - free of health worries, money issues or time constraints.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Mastering the Art of Living
"A person who is a master in the art of living makes little distinction between their work and their play, their labour and their leisure, their mind and their body, their education and their recreation, their love and religion. They hardly know which is which and simply pursue their vision of excellence and grace. Whatever they do, leaving others to decide whether they are working or playing, to them, they are always doing both." - Landmark Education
The above, a priceless insight on how to live a life we love and how to live it powerfully, reminds me of one of the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, where it is said poor or unsuccessful people think in terms of either/or whereas rich and successful people think in terms of both. Hey, how about ALL?
The above, a priceless insight on how to live a life we love and how to live it powerfully, reminds me of one of the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, where it is said poor or unsuccessful people think in terms of either/or whereas rich and successful people think in terms of both. Hey, how about ALL?
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Your Stepping Stones to Success: Walk on them
Ever so often in our business of sharing a great idea and many great possibilities for people, we get a "No" for a response. Recently, I received a SMS from a long-time business associate, who said: "I just got 2 No's today. Disappointed. Sigh."
My immediate response was to reply: "Congratulations".
Lest she think I am cavalier about her feelings, I later explained by email, "Why sigh with disappointment (when you get a few No's) when you can smile with anticipation?" Surely, we got to work through the No's to get to the "Yes". And if we don't get enough No's, we won't get to the "Yes"!
Experience confirms that we will get more No's than we will get "Yes". Why is that so? Well, that's life! Isn't that our growing up experience? Isn't that our children's growing up experience? I say, it's easier for us to just accept it, and work with it, than to ask, Why Why Why.
Let's not get emotional with every "No" that we get. A No is just that - a No. It's not even what many tend to call a "rejection" - an emotionally-laden interpretation of a simple two-letter word.
OK OK, if you must have any emotion, try being excited! Why? Because every "No" does indeed bring us closer to the "Yes".
So, come on, straighten up your back and shoulders. Steady yourself. Put that beautiful (or handsome) smile back on your face. Go all out again and again to get as many No's as you can get because you know, that simply brings you the next Yes and another Yes and another Yes ..
Hey, the No's are but the Stepping Stones to Success. See that photo at the top, of a favourite poster of mine that I stick behind the door of a wardrobe in my son's bedroom. I want him to grow up knowing that.
"Don't Quit", it says. "Every obstacle is a stepping to success."
So, if success in life and whatever you do is what you want, do yourself this favour: Walk boldly .. on the stepping stones to your success!
I wish you every success that you deserve.
Monday, August 02, 2010
"Tiap-tiap orang buat sedikit, sama sama kita sampai puncak bukit"

Fresh from the recent recognition rallies, where we recognized new Managers, Senior Managers and Executive Managers in Unicity in Singapore (July 24th) and Malaysia (July 29th), I am very happy to report that we have another wave of rank advancements.
We have a new Director in our midst. She is our beauty queen, Mrs Singapore Universe 2009, Shalina Ismail (3rd from right)!
Sha achieved this rank advancement within 6 months of making the decision to take the Unicity business seriously, and to work with the Team, instead of working alone.
Sha had led a hyper-busy life of a beauty queen with endless social obligations and engagements, a mother of two adorable kids, a working woman with 3 jobs - a senior executive in an events & marketing company, a freelance tour guide and freelance teacher of business to secondary school students, and a highly sociable person with an active facebook presence who is a friend with listening ears and caring heart to many.
It took Vision and Belief to squeeze Unicity into Shalina's already-busy life, and then make it a top priority. A trip to Thailand in February to attend Unicity's Global Convention helped Shalina envision exciting new possibilities for herself and her children. It led her to reset her priorities. She spent more time talking to people about The Happy Life Project, bringing people to the Unicity office and Unipower functions. Sha made time to attend the UPS in Bangkok too. Six months after her decision, Shalina became a Director in Unicity.
Faizal (2nd from left), congratulations to you too, on your advance to Executive Manager. Faizal epitomizes the Power of Being the 1st Follower - the subject of an interesting new video on Youtube/Facebook. Every leader who dared to be different starts with at least one follower, and Faizal is that One. I remember Shalina attending her first Super OPP in August 2009, a meeting which had the privilege of the powerful presence of CEO Stewart Hughes and Presidential Triple Diamond Khun Joe. Sha had two tickets - her first two tickets to a ticketed Unipower function. Her guest was Faizal. After the Super OPP, he followed Sha to the office a few times, and before too long, he too made a decision. Faizal has since transformed from being a quiet, private person, whose character was hardened by many faceless years in government service, into an outspoken, public personality, quick to bring people together, not shy to share his views. Well done, Faizal.
We are also very proud of the achievement of Nurashikin Abu Bakar (3rd from left), a working mother of three. She achieved a triple promotion to Executive Manager in her first full month in the business. Nura joined Unicity with Shalina as her recruiter in late June. Nura became an Executive Manager in July! Nura enjoys the enthusiastic and whole-hearted support of her husband, Muhammad Murtadha Maricar (the chap with the "Diamond Kungfu" pose in front of everyone). He was at first a reluctant user of the products which Nura brought back home from her shopping at Unicity. She shrewdly fed him with Nature's Tea and Bios Life Slim, during the World Cup, when his defences were down and resistance was low, with his body mass plonked in front of the TV, nights!
Muhammad had a moving experience the very next day. Two weeks later, he shed 5kg. Three weeks later, he was 7kg lighter, and wearing his belt three holes tighter. The experience woke him up to the power of Unicity's products. His visit to the office woke him up to the power and camaraderie of the Team. Nura and Muhammad decided quickly they wanted to succeed, big time and fast. They want to qualify for a free trip to Japan in November. The decision, and the quick action that followed, led to their impressive result. Congratulations to our power couple, Nura and Muhammad.
Shalina, Faizal, Nura and Muhammad, we all in the Unipower team are very proud of your achievements. This is an important breakthrough for all of us in Unicity Singapore and Malaysia. Your result validates the Unipower formula for success, X = Y. Your success affirms the 4 Partners concept, where we do not work alone, but instead work with a world-class team, a time-tested company with great products that people want and need, Unicity, and a proven system with guaranteed results, Unipower. I believe your results will inspire may others.
Traditionally, the thinking is "Sedikit sedikit, lama lama menjadi bukit". This Malay idiom, which refers to the labour of the hardworking ants, means "Bit by bit, over a long period of time, we get to create a hill. With our 4 Partners Concept, we have humanize the concept and created something more empowering:
The meaning: Everyone do their little bit, together we will get to the peak.
Beauty of network marketing,
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
My Acres of Diamonds
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Diamonds!!!! Don't miss those right under your feet!
In the course of building my Network and coaching new people in setting up their own global distribution franchise, specialising in products that address everybody's everyday health concerns, I often come across new distributors who get very excited about the potential of opening up exciting new markets. Like Thailand? Indonesia? India? China? Europe?
Whenever I have the chance, I'd advise these new apprentices against flying here, flying there and flying everywhere. Usually, the price of doing all that is disappoinment - massive costly disappointment. We're all familiar with the saying, "Rolling stones gather no moss". It is true. I've been there, done that. It's confirmed, as if I needed to :)
Besides, how can we build in other people's country if we don't first build well in our own? Furthermore, it takes a Turk, not a German, to build the Turkey market. I am quoting Gursel Ayikbaba, a handsome, battle-hardened Turkish leader sponsored into the business in Germany by the Diamond from Nurenberg, Gerhard Reuhausser, both of whom I had the privilege of meeting in Bangkok recently.
The story that captures and conveys, tells and retells, this advice best is the story about The Acres of Diamonds. Here, I quote a recent re-telling of the story in an email from Bob Proctor's Insight of the Day based on excerpts from a radio show, Our Changing World,
by Earl Nightingale, 1921-1989, author of The Strangest Secret.
"Acres of Diamonds
One of the most interesting Americans who lived in the 19th century was a man by the name of Russell Herman Conwell. He was born in 1843 and lived until 1925. He was a lawyer for about 15 years until he became a clergyman.
One day, a young man went to him and told him he wanted a college education but couldn't swing it financially. Dr Conwell decided, at that moment, what his aim in life was, besides being a man of the cloth - that is. He decided to build a university for unfortunate, but deserving, students. He did have a challenge however. He would need a few million dollars to build the university. For Dr Conwell, and anyone with real purpose in life, nothing could stand in the way of his goal.
Several years before this incident, Dr Conwell was tremendously intrigued by a true story - with its ageless moral. The story was about a farmer who lived in Africa and through a visitor became tremendusly excited about looking for diamonds. Diamonds were already discovered in abundance on the African continent and the farmer got so excited about the idea of millions of dollars worth of diamonds that he sold his farm to head out to the diamond line. He wandered all over the continent, as the years slipped by, constantly searching for diamonds, wealth he never found. Eventualy, he went completely broke and threw himself into a river and drowned.
Meanwhile, the new owner of his farm picked up an unusual looking rock about the size of a country egg and put it on his mantle as a sort of curiosity. A visitor stopped by and in viewing the rock practically went into terminal convulsions. He told the new owner of the farm that the funny looking rock on his mantle was about the biggest diamond that had ever been found. The new owner of the farm said, "Heck, the whole farm is covered with them" - and sure enough it was.
The farm turned out to be Kimberley Diamond Mine .. the richest the world has ever know. The original farmer was literally standing on "Acres of Diamonds" until he sold his farm.
Dr Conwell learned from the story of the farmer and continued to teach its moral. Each of us is right in the middle of our own "Acres of Diamonds", if only we would realize it and develop the ground we are standing on before charging off in search of greener pastures. Dr Conwell told this story many times and attracted enormous audiences. He told the story long enough to have raised the money to start the college for underprivileged deserving students. In fact, he raised 6 million dollars and the university he founded, Temple University in Philadelphia, has at least ten degree-granting colleges and six other schools.
When Dr Russel H Conwell talked about each of us being right on our own "Acres of Diamonds", he meant it. This story does not get old .. it will be true forever.
Opportunity does not just come along - it is there all the time - we just have to see it."
Whenever I have the chance, I'd advise these new apprentices against flying here, flying there and flying everywhere. Usually, the price of doing all that is disappoinment - massive costly disappointment. We're all familiar with the saying, "Rolling stones gather no moss". It is true. I've been there, done that. It's confirmed, as if I needed to :)
Besides, how can we build in other people's country if we don't first build well in our own? Furthermore, it takes a Turk, not a German, to build the Turkey market. I am quoting Gursel Ayikbaba, a handsome, battle-hardened Turkish leader sponsored into the business in Germany by the Diamond from Nurenberg, Gerhard Reuhausser, both of whom I had the privilege of meeting in Bangkok recently.
The story that captures and conveys, tells and retells, this advice best is the story about The Acres of Diamonds. Here, I quote a recent re-telling of the story in an email from Bob Proctor's Insight of the Day based on excerpts from a radio show, Our Changing World,
by Earl Nightingale, 1921-1989, author of The Strangest Secret.
"Acres of Diamonds
One of the most interesting Americans who lived in the 19th century was a man by the name of Russell Herman Conwell. He was born in 1843 and lived until 1925. He was a lawyer for about 15 years until he became a clergyman.
One day, a young man went to him and told him he wanted a college education but couldn't swing it financially. Dr Conwell decided, at that moment, what his aim in life was, besides being a man of the cloth - that is. He decided to build a university for unfortunate, but deserving, students. He did have a challenge however. He would need a few million dollars to build the university. For Dr Conwell, and anyone with real purpose in life, nothing could stand in the way of his goal.
Several years before this incident, Dr Conwell was tremendously intrigued by a true story - with its ageless moral. The story was about a farmer who lived in Africa and through a visitor became tremendusly excited about looking for diamonds. Diamonds were already discovered in abundance on the African continent and the farmer got so excited about the idea of millions of dollars worth of diamonds that he sold his farm to head out to the diamond line. He wandered all over the continent, as the years slipped by, constantly searching for diamonds, wealth he never found. Eventualy, he went completely broke and threw himself into a river and drowned.
Meanwhile, the new owner of his farm picked up an unusual looking rock about the size of a country egg and put it on his mantle as a sort of curiosity. A visitor stopped by and in viewing the rock practically went into terminal convulsions. He told the new owner of the farm that the funny looking rock on his mantle was about the biggest diamond that had ever been found. The new owner of the farm said, "Heck, the whole farm is covered with them" - and sure enough it was.
The farm turned out to be Kimberley Diamond Mine .. the richest the world has ever know. The original farmer was literally standing on "Acres of Diamonds" until he sold his farm.
Dr Conwell learned from the story of the farmer and continued to teach its moral. Each of us is right in the middle of our own "Acres of Diamonds", if only we would realize it and develop the ground we are standing on before charging off in search of greener pastures. Dr Conwell told this story many times and attracted enormous audiences. He told the story long enough to have raised the money to start the college for underprivileged deserving students. In fact, he raised 6 million dollars and the university he founded, Temple University in Philadelphia, has at least ten degree-granting colleges and six other schools.
When Dr Russel H Conwell talked about each of us being right on our own "Acres of Diamonds", he meant it. This story does not get old .. it will be true forever.
Opportunity does not just come along - it is there all the time - we just have to see it."
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The Greatest of All Life Skills
If you were asked to identify the Greatest of All Life Skills, the one thing that will help get you whatever you want in life, and give you happiness in your interactions with family, friends and other people, what would you pick?
Imagination? Visualization? Learning? Teaching & Coaching? Parenting? Making Things? Selling? Communication? Public Speaking? Having Empathy (EQ) for people? Caring & Sharing?
What's your pick? Is it something else? If so, what is it?
I pick Listening, which is to be distinguished from Communication. Aren't they the same thing, some may ask. No, because communication involves not just listening but speaking too. Listening is only a part of communication, though a very important part, without which there can be no meaningful communication. Without listening, I'd suggest, we also cannot do well many of the other things listed above e.g. parenting, caring & sharing, teaching & coaching, selling.
I sat in a workshop recently where some very wise and successful people shared this simple idea that all communication must have 3 components: the transmitter, the message and the receiver.
We need the transmitter to send out the message and the receiver to get it. There's never a lack of messages to send or receive in our information-rich world. Of the other two components, guess which one is under-developed or under-used: Transmitter? Or receiver? (Answer: Receiver!)
When thinking of the receiver, let's think of how the dial of a receiver is often not turned on full, or perhaps sometimes, not turned on at all, whereas the transmitter is often at work all the time, seemingly over-time. I often think about why we are created with one mouth and two ears but too often act like we were created otherwise? ;)
When I pick Listening, I don't mean listening as we habitually and carelessly practise it, but really listening i.e. listening with our heart, listening without jumping to conclusions, listening without passing judgment, listening without subjecting the message to personal processing and interpretation. Look at listening with heart this way: We let the message we receive enter our ears, go through our brains, and then sink into our heart and let it stay there. You can call that, taking the message to heart.
But how do we normally listen? The message enters one ear and we let it slip out of the other. Or we let the message enter one ear, subject it to a screening or interpretive process, and then register a message quite different from the original message!
If we could listen better, we would understand each other better. If we could understand better, we can relate to people better and connect more effectively.
In any session on life skills, how much of the time do you think we should train and workshop on the art of listening and how much time on public speaking? (I'd love to know what you think.)
By my reckoning, and you may or may not agree, the Art of Public Speaking is passe and over-rated. In contrast, the Art & Science of Listening is little appreciated, often neglected, yet holds the more important key to effective relationships at work and at home and happier, more productive communications and conversations in forums big and small, from the coffee shops to the United Nations.
If we would just learn to listen better, I believe, we can conceivably eliminate petty fights, socially costly misunderstandings, and big, destructive wars. If we'd just listen well, we'll inevitably learn to appreciate each other better, realize how similar people are, regardless of ethnic, religious, intellectual or socio-economic backgrounds, and then learn to accept and even love each other. What do you think?
One of Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People exhorts us to "Seek first to understand, then only to be understood". How are we to understand, and then be understood, if we do not first listen well?
Motivational guru Zig Ziglar says help people get whatever they want and you will get whatever you want. But how would we know what people want, let alone help them get it, if we do not first listen and find out?
Can someone think of another life skill more powerful than Listening? This is not a rhetorical question that seeks to hammer home a point, caring not for an answer. It is a listening question that seeks out a considered response. Why? Because, I think, that whatever stands above or close to Listening as the Ultimate Living Skill, we better get really good at that one too.
Happy Listening - everyday, everywhere!
Imagination? Visualization? Learning? Teaching & Coaching? Parenting? Making Things? Selling? Communication? Public Speaking? Having Empathy (EQ) for people? Caring & Sharing?
What's your pick? Is it something else? If so, what is it?
I pick Listening, which is to be distinguished from Communication. Aren't they the same thing, some may ask. No, because communication involves not just listening but speaking too. Listening is only a part of communication, though a very important part, without which there can be no meaningful communication. Without listening, I'd suggest, we also cannot do well many of the other things listed above e.g. parenting, caring & sharing, teaching & coaching, selling.
I sat in a workshop recently where some very wise and successful people shared this simple idea that all communication must have 3 components: the transmitter, the message and the receiver.
We need the transmitter to send out the message and the receiver to get it. There's never a lack of messages to send or receive in our information-rich world. Of the other two components, guess which one is under-developed or under-used: Transmitter? Or receiver? (Answer: Receiver!)
When thinking of the receiver, let's think of how the dial of a receiver is often not turned on full, or perhaps sometimes, not turned on at all, whereas the transmitter is often at work all the time, seemingly over-time. I often think about why we are created with one mouth and two ears but too often act like we were created otherwise? ;)
When I pick Listening, I don't mean listening as we habitually and carelessly practise it, but really listening i.e. listening with our heart, listening without jumping to conclusions, listening without passing judgment, listening without subjecting the message to personal processing and interpretation. Look at listening with heart this way: We let the message we receive enter our ears, go through our brains, and then sink into our heart and let it stay there. You can call that, taking the message to heart.
But how do we normally listen? The message enters one ear and we let it slip out of the other. Or we let the message enter one ear, subject it to a screening or interpretive process, and then register a message quite different from the original message!
If we could listen better, we would understand each other better. If we could understand better, we can relate to people better and connect more effectively.
In any session on life skills, how much of the time do you think we should train and workshop on the art of listening and how much time on public speaking? (I'd love to know what you think.)
By my reckoning, and you may or may not agree, the Art of Public Speaking is passe and over-rated. In contrast, the Art & Science of Listening is little appreciated, often neglected, yet holds the more important key to effective relationships at work and at home and happier, more productive communications and conversations in forums big and small, from the coffee shops to the United Nations.
If we would just learn to listen better, I believe, we can conceivably eliminate petty fights, socially costly misunderstandings, and big, destructive wars. If we'd just listen well, we'll inevitably learn to appreciate each other better, realize how similar people are, regardless of ethnic, religious, intellectual or socio-economic backgrounds, and then learn to accept and even love each other. What do you think?
One of Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People exhorts us to "Seek first to understand, then only to be understood". How are we to understand, and then be understood, if we do not first listen well?
Motivational guru Zig Ziglar says help people get whatever they want and you will get whatever you want. But how would we know what people want, let alone help them get it, if we do not first listen and find out?
Can someone think of another life skill more powerful than Listening? This is not a rhetorical question that seeks to hammer home a point, caring not for an answer. It is a listening question that seeks out a considered response. Why? Because, I think, that whatever stands above or close to Listening as the Ultimate Living Skill, we better get really good at that one too.
Happy Listening - everyday, everywhere!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Dubai Inspiration: Imagination + Resources can break all barriers
Unicity, Thank You! Thanks for the best holiday I’ve ever had. I love holidays and have enjoyed many so far in my life. However, I’ve never had a 7-star holiday, in a posh resort hotel (Atlantis Paradise), in a dream city (which aptly describes Dubai, a majestic city created out sand and sea) - all fully paid for.
What a generous bonus for our business-building efforts. What a great fore-taste of the concern-free Happy Life we are working for and racing towards. What an apt and meaningful choice for big dreamers like us.
Dubai was born out of the fertile imagination of a few rich sheikhs. From the tallest buildings to the grandest shopping malls, Dubai challenges all notions of size, scale, as well as what’s thinkable and what’s doable.
Where there was only desert, they created snow. Where there was only vast expanse of sea, they created islands – on one of which the Atlantis stands. Wherever there was lack (e.g. the lack of a domestic population), they created abundance (allow the entry of large numbers of foreign workers who outnumber the locals 4:1).
Dubai proved that with imagination and resources, nothing can hold us back, and anything is possible.
Now, isn’t that what the Unicity “Make Life Better” Opportunity is all about? Awesome!
{I was in Dubai for a 5D4N incentive trip with over 600 other members of the Unipower team in Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia in March 2010. The next free trip is to the Club Med in Maldives. In our business, we work from holiday to holiday - every 3-4 months ;) Wouldn't you like to come along?}
Sunday, April 18, 2010
3 Things That Make A Leader Great

On April 4th 2010, I had the privilege of sitting in a hotel ballroom with thousands of others to listen to and learn from some of the greatest leaders in the Unipower Team. Here, I'd like to share what I picked up from one of them - Khun Phawadon Nasareerat, a Presidential Double Diamond and the youngest ever Unicity Diamond at 33. What was extra remarkable about his achievement was that this former public health ministry officer who was part-timing as an aerobics instructor achieved it in 3 years.
The photo shows some of us who went to Bangkok for the UPS weekend with Khun Phawadon and his new, free company-sponsored Porsche - his reward for building up a Double Diamond rank organization!
We were on our way out to get a cab after the all-day UPS Advanced Leadership Training at Rama Garden Resort on April 4th when we heard someone call out my name from the dark. It was Khun Phawadon, all dressed in black, standing in the dark under a tree (which explains why we didn't spot him before he spotted us) - next to his brand new black Porsche.
It was so nice of him to call out to us, and then, to patiently take many photos with us, individually and as a group.
Earlier in the day, Khun Phawadon spoke on the three qualities of "a legendary leader", in the league of CEO Stewart Hughes and Triple Diamond Khun Rasa. If you want to be a geat leader, have a heart for others, he said. "Having a position or the rank won't get you there; having a heart for others would."
The three things that make a legendary leader, according to Khun Phawadon, and which we created the opportunity to revisit, review, contemplate and internalize in Singapore yesterday, are:
1) Give - Be a Giver: Have the spirit, the heart and the mindset of a Giver, giving and contributing unconditionally without expecting something in return. Having the heart of a Giver helps when we go out prospecting, sharing with people the Happy Life Project, and also, when we work as a Team to make a success out of every event created to support the success of our people. A Giver doesn't stop nor get discouraged when people say "No" to our opportunity, or seem to fail to notice our contributions. A Giver contributes freely anyway, without calculating or holding back for a direct benefit.
2) Stand - Be a standpoint for your people. Stand up for your people. Stand up for what is right and what is good for them. Our people may not always agree with what we advise or advocate, but we, as the standard setter, must keep doing, sharing and promoting what is right to do, not just what we or they like to do. Set the standard that our people will look up to and that would lift them up in their lives and in their business. Let's be there for others - be other-centred; not self-centred.
3) Change - Be prepared, be willing and be ready to change. Start by changing our dressing, our attitude, our mindset, our being. Change the way we talk and the way we lead. Do not resist change. Go for all the functions or events recommended for people and leaders to achieve personal breakthroughs and transformation. Dare to change, whether or not you like it, for the sake of others. Again, let's do what is right, not just what we like.
So, let's Give, let's Stand and let's Change! A huge thanks to K. Phawadon for sharing his wisdom - a wisdom well beyond his youth, and which must have come from working the ground, building his now-gushing pipeline.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
She, the Cause of the Happiness of Hundreds
Just back from another Unipower Seminar in Bangkok on 3rd April, I cannot help but marvel at how our amazing business can truly Make Life Better for people from all walks of life, so thoroughly, so completely.
At the latest UPS weekend, on April 3rd-4th, 10,000 people were inspired by the brand new success stories of four guest speakers - a high-profile business owner Khun Kiin, a little-educated seashell vendor Khun Tik, a young career police officer Khun Neh, and a playful, "good for nothing" dish-washing son of a hawker who is now a young Presidential Director, Khun Nikhom Jaima.
Here, let me introduce you to just one of them - Khun Tik (see photo), the little-educated woman who sold seashells (clams, cockles, mussels and the like, I presume) in the market.
Khun Tik, who is in her 40s, is a mother of 2 with little education, a 4th Grader. Her education was disrupted when her school closed down when she was only in the 4th grade. She started working at the age of 12, selling things in the market. That's the only way she knew how to make money.
From young, she recognized the importance of money. "Money is needed to make life better". How to make more money? Work harder. So, for 20 years, she would work very hard, setting up stall in the morning market and then, in the afternoon, setting up stall in the afternoon market so as to make more money. She'd do this every day for 10 years, then 20 years.
"I am my own boss. I got money but I am not rich," she said. "I also had no time for my children." During the festivals, the kids would ask for her time. But those would be the best time to do more business. She felt bad, but she couldn't help but continue to make the same trade-off - time (from the kids) for money (to feed the children, and also her mother, who became her responsibility after her father died). Over time, her health suffered.
When introduced to the Unicity Happy Life Project, Khun Tik realized that it offered just what she needed - money, time and health.
"I cannot read, I cannot write, but I know what's in the Unipower system - the KPI, the passport to success. Whatever I didn't understand, I'd just ask my upline. I only needed to follow."
"I remember one situation when I felt fear. I was doubtful. So, I called my upline who was elsewhere. He encouraged me, telling me that I am good enough, that I can do what I had to do, and that it's OK, I should just go do it." As a result of following that advice, Khun Tik got to recruit and build a Cambodian team. They were in the hall on April 3rd, waving the Cambodian flag in grattitude and admiration for her, their leader.
Khun Tik made a hard decision early on in in her Unicity business. "I learnt that I cannot ride on two horses at one time. So I made the decision early in my business to close my stall. I became a Director in 4 months."
Now, she is a Senior Director. "What does that mean? I don't know. All I know is that I make THB100,000 a month! Also, now, I have time to see my kids. I have better health." (THB100,00 works out to over S$4,000 - a big sum of money in Thailand).
Khun Tik remembers well and takes to heart the advice that she received from everyone of her big leaders. She remembered being touched by the the kind first words of Presidential Triple Diamond Khun Rasa to her: "Do you know that you can be the cause of success and happiness for hundreds of people?"
She remembered being encouraged by another advice: "We don't need smart people. We just need people with strong hearts."
In closing, Khun Tik wisely said, life is about choices, and encouraged everyone to make the right choice. Choice #1, Do the work first then play. Choice #2, Play first then do the work. Choice #3, Play Play and Play and don't work. "I chose the first one," she said.
One of the most powerful thoughts that Khun Tik shared was the significance of a butterfly. "The butterfly in flapping its little wings sends out waves across the universe." We can make a big difference in the life of others.
Now, if Khun Tik can do it, why not you? Be inspired, to do something about your life, and the lives of those dear to you.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Fisher Boy: From abject poverty to a life of luxuries in 6 months

Please meet Khun Num, a 21-year-old, whose personal success story kills all the excuses that people can possibly make for not making a success of their lives. You know, one of the choices in life, to make money or make excuses? Khun Num's story helps us make the right choice.
Khun Num hails from the southern Thai province of Surat Thani. His father, the breadwinner of his family, died when he was still very young, of pre-school age. To help his family out, and to see himself through school, he had to start working from the young age of 10. Khun Num would work by night, going out to sea with the fishermen, and in the day, he would go to school like all the other kids.
However, he'd have to walk miles to school for that was the only "transport" he could afford. On the way, he would look longingly, and often hungrily, at the food plied along the way, but he would have to settle for the only staple his family could afford - instant noodles, which he got to eat only when he reached home.
To people who heard his story, he came to be known as Noodle Boy and to me, the Fisher Boy.
When he reached high school age, Khun Num wanted to secure for himself a brighter future. He wanted to enroll himself into a technical school. But the school fees were too high. That didn't stop him from opening his mouth or what some people would say, "trying his luck". Well, he got lucky! He approached the school, declared his interest but pleaded that he had only a little money to afford a portion of the fees. The school, moved by his plea, and probably his quiet but steely determination (which remains evident today), agreed to take him in, letting him pay only what he could afford!
Some 6 months ago, in mid-2009, someone from the Unipower team in Unicity Thailand approached him, asking, "Do you want to be rich?". Sure, he does. But how? He was advised, he'd not be given the fish, that means no financial help. But he'd be taught how to catch the fish, by the best teachers. Khun Num was game, and willing to learn.
Given his meagre resources, he had to struggle every step of the way, but the difficulties never stop him. Money was needed at every step of the way - opening an account with Unicity with 500 baht, buying his first two products to try - Nature's Tea and Super Chlorophyll, collecting enough orders (equivalent to over S$1,000) to upgrade his account to a Fast Start account earning higher commission of up to 20-30%, purchasing the Business Owner's Pack, enrolling for the 3-day Eagle Camp, visiting Bangkok to behold his new future in the UPS.
He epitomises the Friedrich Nietzche wisdom, "He who has a why to live for can bear almost 'any how'".
Just half a year later, on 16 January 2010, Khun Num was to stand on the UPS (Unipower Seminar) Stage, in front of more than 10,000 people. That's when I first heard his amazing story. He shared his success and how he had achieved a high income of 50,000 baht (over S$2,000) a month. He was a picture of confidence and grattitude to the many great teachers who showed him the way, and the Unipower system.
On March 20th 2010, I met Khun Num in person, face to face, in Dubai, during our all expenses paid Unicity reward holiday. I learnt from his upline and leader, Presidential Ruby Khun Nagorn (first right in the photo), that the stay at the Atlantis Paradise Hotel was another of Khun Num's personal vision realized.
As he was building up his vision of the future, he came across a video of the Atlantis Paradise of Dubai. He then said to himself, he'd certainly like to go there for a holiday one day. That dream, which predated Unicity's Dubai trip announcement, has so very quickly become reality for Khun Num.
Other dreams will be realized as this very pleasant fellow, who walks ramrod straight with quiet confidence and a ready smile, continues to walk steadily and consistently towards his new life.
Everytime I think or talk about Khun Num, I can't help feeling that that his personal triumph over adversities - his quick rise from poverty to a life of riches and exciting new possibilities, with the help of Unicity the company and Unipower the people-enabling business-building system - simply empowers others to succeed. His story takes away all the excuses from our doing whatever we have to, to get the life that we want.
Be Inspired. Be Blessed!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
You Can Do It: Be the Success that You Dream of

We don't have to be clever and figure everything out by ourselves. The greatest wisdoms have been retold and retold for generations. Pick and choose something that makes you better, happier.
Pick a favourite or two or more from the following "Bob Proctor's Insights of the Day" which I have selected from my collection for you to consider and internalize (i.e. to make a part of you)...
"If I accept you as you are, I will make you worse; however, if I treat you as though you are what you are capable of becoming, I help you become that." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832, Author and Philosopher
"Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not; it is the first lesson that ought to be learned; and however early a man's training begins, it is probably the last lesson that he learns thoroughly." - Thomas H. Huxley
1825-1895, Biologist
"There comes a moment when you have to stop revving up the car and shove it into gear." - David Mahoney, Executive and Philanthropist
"Don't waste your life in doubts and fears: spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it." - Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882, Poet and Essayist
"Those with goals tend to succeed because they are focused and know where they are going, while those without goals do not." - Ted Karam, Author
"You don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now." - Joan Baez, Singer, Songwriter and Activist
"The big secret in life is that there is no secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you are willing to work. It is called massive action. Action is the gas in the tank. Without it, the car will not run." - Marcy Blochowiak, Author of No Glass Ceiling
So, choose. Choose whoever, whatever you have always wanted to be and to do. Then, just Be, just Do.
You Can Do It!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Life After Politics: An Even Higher Calling

Please meet Khun Witthaya, an independent politician who served as a Senator for 7 years in Thailand's Upper House, representing a constituency near the Thai town of Khon Kaen.
He is now a Senior Director in Unicity, with big dreams of becoming a Presidential Diamond so that he can go back to his people as a politician again, serving the people regardless of their political affiliations or colours, be it "red" or "yellow", as he had done before as an independent. This time, with Unicity, he will have more power to help make life better for his people!
Khun Witthaya's entry and early success in Unicity represents a new breakthrough for Unipower. Having broken into many corporate boardrooms and upper echelons of Thai society, Unipower is now breaking into the corridors of political power.
This seasoned politician, a naturally powerful speaker on the Unipower Stage in Bangkok on Saturday, 16th January 2010 given his 7 years experience in the cut-and-thrust of Thai politics, enrolled into Unicity as a result of a dare!
His son sought to enrol dad, then out of the Thai Senate but still fraternising in political and high society. But dad feared a loss of face from associating with Network Marketing. He didn't want to be seen too near or inside a Unicity DSC (Distributor Service Centre). He'd rather wait in the car for the son to finish up for up to 2 hours.
When son persisted, Khun Witthaya challenged the son to produce the 100,000 baht monthly income he talked about being able to get before he would consider. The son produced the result, and father had to keep his word.
Khun Witthaya took the UPS stage as a new Senior Director in Unicity, after being in the business for just under one year. Based on the translation of what he said, and a brief chat I had with him at Rama Garden Resort the next day, I gathered that Khun Witthaya was fully attuned to all that happens in the Unipower system. He had humbled himself to go through all the training available - from the 8 Steps Basic Training to the Eagle Camp and others. He was there at the all-day training by the two Presidential Triple Diamonds Khun Joe and Khun Rasa on Sunday, 17th Jan 2010.
On the stage, Khun Witthaya spoke of how he learnt and mastered the 8 Steps, committed to being a Core Leader, worked the 10pts a day Passport of Success programme. As a result, he produced the success that qualified him to take the UPS Stage, and wowed the crowd like no other speaker did.
From the stage, he vowed to work his way up to Presidential Diamond, inspired by the empowering leadership and fine examples of Khun Joe and Khun Rasa. His ultimate dream? "After I have succeeded as a Presidential Diamond, I will go back to my people. I will serve my people again, regardless of political colours. This time, I will be able to do more for them as I can offer them an opportunity to make life better."
That is life after politics, and then, before too long, for Khun Witthaya, a 2nd lease of political life on completing the The Happy Life Project.
What great possibilities. Awesome.
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
The Key to Freedom
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Sunset in Phuket's Surin Beach

After the success of the 1st ever Unipower Seminar in Singapore on Dec 12th, I took my family for a make-up holiday in Phuket. It was a great holiday and this beautiful sunset captures one of our many great moments there.
It was a "make-up holiday" because we were supposed to have gone to Hongkong earlier in December, taking in a few nights at HK Disneyland, a trip to Macau and a stay at an exclusive private club which we had pre-booked almost a year in advance. But I had to cancel it because of bad timing. I couldn't possibly relax and enjoy a holiday in the week before the biggest ever event in our Unicity business ....
This Phuket trip, I could relax. Yan Ting, Jia Wei, Chris and I had fun and so did my brother in law Timothy and his family, Cally, Lucas, Hazel. Yes, it was a two-family holiday. The kids loved the extra company.

We spent hours by the beach, enjoying the clear waters of Surin, "goggling" at the marine creatures swimming among the corals. We collected hermit crabs. We went on an "island safari" and had the thrill of our life riding on elephants, ox-carts, well-polished buffalos and jeeps.. We just about managed to scrape some time to enjoy a good massage by the seaside. Speaking of massage, I should mention Yan Ting got a "massage" on her back from a show elephant, which used one of its legs. Brave girl.
We took in popular, bustling and busy Patong Beach and learnt from that excursion to appreciate even more the unspoilt beach where our hotel was located - Surin. That's where the beautiful sunset photo was taken. Truly beautiful, isn't it?
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