Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas in Pandan Valley

On Friday, 22nd December 2006, we celebrated Christmas in Pandan Valley with "an evening of food, wine and song" ... "in appreciation of the fine people of MCST 581".

To make sure we get "the movers and shakers" of the condominium community to show up, we sent out personalised invitations to over 130 residents-cum-owners - people who have served in Management Council or attended a general meeting at least once in the past 6 years, offering them two complimentary admission tickets each.

We also invited a handful of new resident-owners who had bought into Pandan Valley in the past 6 months.

Others had to pay S$10 per admission ticket to attend the function which cost S$20 per head to put together.

Here in this photo, you see new resident-owner Mr George J Palathinkal, CFO for AT&T (Asean/India), warmly welcomed by Condominium Manager Laurence Chen, Management Council treasurer Annie Tok, MC secretary Koh Foong Yin and myself, as MC Chairman.

It was a fun and happy function. The food was good. The live music from the strolling musicians - and a guest performance - added much to the atmosphere, lending the evening a touch of class. The wine was good too, in a few ways.

See that glass of wine in my hand as well as Laurence's too? It lifted spirits, and contributed to a good cause - an orphanage in The Philippines - as S$1 out of every glass sold at S$5 went to charity. We had a charity auction too, where we auctioned off bottles of champagne, wine and whisky and household goods like a Cornell Microwave Oven sponsored by the condo's service providers!

It was great having an event like this for it breaks the pattern of people meeting or coming together only when there are issues or problems to be dealt with.

Thank God for Christmas!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

"To feel good, do good"

Last week, at a regional leadership training seminar in Bangkok, I enjoyed a feast of learning and ideas. (Never mind that right after the seminar, Bangkok saw its first military coup in 15 years against now-deposed Prime Minister Thaksin. It went so smoothly it hardly troubled anyone.)

One of the most simple yet powerful ideas came from one of the most successful people I've ever known personally, Stewart Hughes - the 51-year-old CEO of Unicity Int'l.

While talking about habits of success, Stewart spoke of how we should use our actions to determine our feelings instead of the other way around.

"What kind of life would it be if your behaviour is determined by your feelings? What an emotional roller coaster! What a terrible way to live.

Let your actions control your feelings, he urges us on.

"If you do good, you will feel good."

It did not take long for someone else to jump on the idea and add: "We can do so much good with Bios Life."

That is Stewart Hughes' "crusade material" for the past 15 years, and now, Unicity's answer to today's global health epidemic - cadiovascular disease, the No 1 cause of death in the world, in the US, and in South-east Asia!

Indeed! We are on a mission - to eradicate heart disease, naturally!

Do you know of anyone in your family or among your friends who has a problem with high cholesterol?

I can help. Check out the information in and then contact me, if you too would like to do good, especially to the people who matter most to you.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Fighting the terrorists within

Hello there,

In line with my cancer prevention business, I will like to highlight on this blog an email article, on "useful information on one of the deadliest diseases of our time: cancer", from a business associate in Penang whom I gathered received it from somebody who in turn got it from somebody who .... and so on.

Like so much information circulating on the Internet - both the good stuff and the quacky or quirky ones, this article had no attribution nor author's name nor source. It'd have been better to have that information so people can assess for themselves the authority and reliability.

Last week, I received a similiar email article from another associate, similarly non-attributed.

However, I have decided to highlight this more recent one because, coincidentally, it focuses on very much the same points that I've picked out from my research for a Cancer Prevention talk that I have been "commissioned" to do in Malaysia.

To give you a preview of that presentation, which I have tentatively entitled "Cancer Prevention: Fighting the Terrorists Within", let me share with you the 8 basic strategies to prevent (defeat) cancer that I will be promoting in the talk.

They are:

1. Work on your sleep - and let your body rest so its natural healing powers can be activated
2. De-stress your life - ideally, reduce, or eliminate them, and there are a few methods to achieve that
3. Restore your pH balance - cancer cells thrive in an acidic setting (and also body with low oxygen and low energy)
4. Detox your body - cancer risks rise when the body suffers toxin overload
5. Oxygenate your body - by exercising regularly and taking supplements that strengthens your oxygen carriers - the red blood cells
6. Energize your body - again with exercise and energy-boosting supplements
7. Boost your enzyme intake - through supplements since we can't get them from over-processed, over-cooked and junk food
8. Boost your immunity with the best antioxidants you can find

You may read more about these 8 strategies and the background to them when the work is done :)

Meanwhile, please read the article below, so as to be better informed and inspired to do the necessary to stay well.

Be Well, Be Happy, God Bless.



Subject: Fw: Cancer Information


Useful Information on one of the deadliest diseases of our time: CANCER

1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show
up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When
doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their
bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the
cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime.

3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be
destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumours.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple
nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental,
food and lifestyle factors.

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and
including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and
also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow,
gastro-intestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver,
kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and
damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce
tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not
result in more tumor destruction.

9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and
radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed,
hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and
become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer
cells to spread to other sites.

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding
it with the foods it needs to multiply.


a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important
food supply to the cancer cells. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal,
Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural
substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small amounts.
Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in colour.
Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.

b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the
gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk
and substituting with unsweetened soya milk cancer cells are being starved.

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is
acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef
or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones
and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains,
seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline
environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans.
Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed
and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance
growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy
cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean
sprouts)and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are
destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).

e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine.
Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties.
Water-best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and
heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes.
Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrefied and leads
to more toxic buildup.

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining
from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein
walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the
cancer cells.

14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence,Essiac,
anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the body's own
killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E
are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's
normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and
positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger,
unforgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic
environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to
relax and enjoy life.

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment.
Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen
down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means
employed to destroy cancer cells.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Making a difference in the "hi & bye" world

Two Sundays ago, after church, at one of the high-traffic escalators in busy busy Suntec City, I came across an ex-colleague from my newspaper years (1986-89). We remember each other well, spoke for a few minutes, exchanged contacts and agreed to stay in touch.

A few days later, I followed up with an email, suggesting "kopi or teh?" because I wanted to find out more about her part-time job, getting paid to edit travel stories.

She replied today, suggesting a time, a day and a place to meet.

Her opening remark though made me think and "blog": "Hi Eng Hai, real glad to hear from you. I thought it is one of those where the hi and goodbye ended at Suntec ..."

We do live in a "Hi and Bye" world, where we often talk about catching up over lunch or coffee but almost just as often fail to do so.

I'm sure the failure to follow up with those lunches we often talk about on the fly is not for lack of sincerity. Most likely, it is due to a disease (read dis-ease) of a lack of time - often real, but sometimes imagined, in which case, the fundamental issue may simply be a clash of priorities, where non-core relationships get neglected. That, refers to most relationships with the thousands of people each of us know.

I must admit that if not for the business that I do, I would likely suffer from the same disease too. It wasn't that many years ago that I was living and operating under the "hi and bye" syndrome.

So, am I glad that I am in the business of meeting people ... finding out as much as I can, and as they'd let me, about them; then helping them get whatever it is that they're looking for - either by suggestion, connection or action; and where I discover a good fit between what they're looking for and what I have to offer personally, well, I'll make them an offer and invite them to consider.

Only yesterday, I was at it again - going beyond hi and bye. After a catch-up lunch with one of my business partners in the financial district, I walked past two familiar faces seated at a sidewalk cafe. In the past, I'd have taken a mental note and walked on. Yesterday, I turned back, said hello, and took a seat in between them when invited to do so.

One of them asked if I have time for a chat. I said, "Sure, I'm my own boss, working at my own time and for my own target." And she said: "How nice. We're still only employees, working according to other people's time and targets...." Incidentaly, these two happen to be friends from my journalist days too.

Later, after a good chat, finding out the latest from each other - from work to family, ane exchanging contact cards, we shook hands, parted company and on the way to the MRT, I was tapped on the shoulder by somebody whom I had said hi and bye to only last week - but only because she was coming out of the train to go to work, and I was stepping in to go somewhere else.

This time, I offered to walk her back to her office, and she agreed. We enjoyed a good long chat. She's just happily become a grandmother, enjoying the newborn grandson in Sydney from afar, with the powers of the Internet - at least until she visits in September. At 59, having wrestled with the troubles of being diabetic for years, and living with a husband who stopped working years ago because of mental depression, she's philosophical about life, talking nonchalantly about death and disease. She's working 5-hour workdays because she needs the money for her modest lifestyle and her second mortgage. I've known this charming, energetic lady since my newspaper days too, when she was a valuable news source, and I a rookie reporter out to make a name for myself in the world. I was even happier to listen to her yesterday, in our new capacities, until in the end, she had to excuse herself. "Hey, I better run, or we'd go on and on."

It feels real good to have the time for people, to really hear them out, especially in a world where people are generally too busy for each other, and have little time beyond the hi's and the bye's. It feels even better to know that eventually, I will get paid for that ability to listen to people, for that is now my vocation, my lifestyle, for life.

Back to the ex-colleague whom I met at the Suntec City escalator. I look forward to meeting her because in her brief email, I get that she's looking for advice and I may be able to make a contribution.

"Maybe you can help me plan my retirement with the pittance I am getting each month. I need to save up to book myself into an old folks home!"

In my reply, I said: "Perhaps, when we meet, I can really help you with your retirement planning. I believe we can do better than prepare to end up in an old folks' home, unless that's what you really want ;-> See you next week!"

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Smile :) We're in Showbiz!

Show and tell, show and sell.

Presenting my family and some of my business partners, coming together happily for two days on 17 and 18 Dec 2005 to show off our franchise and a few flagship nutritional products at the Pandan Valley Christmas Fair.

Standing left to right are Julia and husband Kian Seng, Annie Tok and daughter Joyce, Sunny (the one who prompted me to get this blog going), myself and son Jia Wei, Kelly and mom Lola. Seated at centre are two Christina's - one my business partner, Christina Lee and the other, my wife, Christina Chan.

Out of the scores of products that our corporate partner Unicity has to offer, we chose to feature two fast-moving healthy drinks - alfafa-based Super Chlorophyll and Bio Reishi Coffee.

From showing and selling these drinks, we got to share our business opportunity with customers and fellow Fair participants who showed interest in what we were doing. More than the products on offer, I believe it was our generally cheerful disposition that was a major draw :)

While for most stall operators, business began and ended with the two-day fair, for us, business has kept growing.

With the seeds planted during the Fair, we've extended our franchise and market reach within the 623-household Pandan Valley community in the past 6 months. The most inspiring recruit has been the enrolment of 21-year-old speech and hearing impaired Stephanie, with the full and enthusiastic support of her retiree-parents Margaret & Leong. Margaret, who operated the stall at the next lot, has been looking for a business suitable for Stephanie, given her handicaps.

So, Kelly introduced her to the book, How to Make $4000 a Month Working From Home. She asked to borrow the book, read it on the spot - finishing it within an hour, and bought a bottle of Super Chlorophyll to try and check us out. The conversations continued after the Fair, with Kelly following up closely on interest.

Fast forward to today ... Through the steady enrolment of relatives and family friends to use the products or to do the business, Stephanie has since been recognized as a Senior Manager, having achieved the rank in 3 months, and within 5 months, made it to the exclusive Business Builder's Club for having recruited 10 people within a 3-month period.

Her success has inspired many others, including her sponsor/upline, Christina Lee, who was encouraged to step up her efforts, overcoming personal limitations to also climb the ranks to become a Senior Manager herself in May.

Julia, who witnessed the initial approach and subsequent partnershipping, had this to say about the success of these two ladies:

"I can't help but be touched by yet two more success stories of how the company and the team transform lives and build people ... I am in awe of how our business builds people, transforms lives and changes the world."

Well said, Julia. Indeed. What a blessing this experience has been, and will continue to be, for us.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Let the Filipino children have their mothers back

Yesterday morning, I sent off a departing Filipina domestic worker (a.k.a. maid) at Changi Airport.

She is happy to be leaving her S$320 a month job and very excited about her future back in the Philippines.

She can't wait to reach home and to get started with her home-based business, where she gets to build a business of her own, "be my own boss", and work from home, close to the family she loves.

She has a personal franchise with an international reach, with backers providing coaching by Internet and committed to fly in to her hometown when she is ready.

The franchise allows her to 1) buy a wide range of nutritional supplements and personal care products, with a wide range of budgets, and sell them wholesale for a 20-25% profit, and 2) sponsor other people to do the same, whereby she'll get to earn a 3-10% commission of their sales, and the sales of their people.

The first phase of her business involves moving US$50-100 of products every month and bringing in at least 5 people who will do the same - moving US$50-100 of products a month and bringing in 5 people of their own.

She is not limited by geography, and is not confined to her hometown or even the Philippines. Already, she has someone in the USA who will be opening an account under her - the first of her First Five! Her brother!

With this franchise, she expects to achieve a monthly income of US$1,000 a month in a few years. The first, more immediate, objective is to make US$200 a month and inspire others to do the same - stay home or close to family and build a personal business worth hundreds or thousands of US$ a month.

With that kind of money, Filipina moms won't have to leave their children behind in the care of relatives to take care of other people's children in faraway lands. We can start worrying less about the implications of an entire generation of Filipino children growing up without the nurturing and psychological support of their mothers.

I've been looking for a long time for one right person to lead this mission. I've been looking for someone bright, with ambition, a burning desire to be in business for himself or herself, and a willingness to learn and most importantly, to stay the course and never ever quit till the mission is accomplished.

I am optimistic for my Filipina partner, who left Changi Airport with about S$250 of products; five copies of the book "How to make US$4,000 a month working from home"; and one simple advice to always remember and abide by: Whatever the odds or difficulties, NEVER GIVE UP.

All the best "Abigal".

Monday, May 29, 2006

Know of someone with a heart attack risk?

Do you know of friends or family with unhealthy cholesterol levels?

Do you know if they are on prescription statin drugs?

Do you know if they’re aware of the many side effects of statin drugs?

If you know of a “clinically-proven, patented, safe and natural alternative to statin drugs for cholesterol reduction”, wouldn’t you share this information with them?

I would. I am.

Please consider the following facts:

The Problem - an epidemic

Heart disease is by far the single biggest cause of deaths in the world.

According to World Health Organization’s latest statistics, cardiovascular disease claims 17 million lives in a year, accounting for 30% of all deaths worldwide.

In comparison, All Cancers account for 10%, Injuries 9% and HIV/Aids 5%. Other communicable diseases account for 27%, while other non-communicable diseases account for another 19%.

The US is no exception. Cardiovascular disease is the No 1 cause of deaths there, accounting for 1.3m deaths every year. That means heart disease claims 3,500 lives every day in the US.

Heart disease is a silent killer with little or no advanced warning. Often, the first sign is death by heart attack or stroke.

Unhealthy cholesterol is the leading risk indicator, causing around a third of all cardiovascular disease worldwide.

The Solution

Prescription statin drugs is the most common treatment for unhealthy cholesterol.

The 2 top prescription drugs sold worldwide are cholesterol drugs, namely, Lipitor (estimated to exceed US$13b in 2006, and growing by more than 20% p.a.) and Zocor (US$6.2b). Other brands include Zetia, Vytorin and Crestor.

The market size for cholesterol drugs continues to skyrocket, from US$25b in 2007 to a projected US$30b in 2007.

The Problems with the Solution

Owing to the epidemic proportions of heart disease, and thanks to a hefty multi-billion-dollar advertising and marketing budget, statin drugs sell well despite dangerous side effects such as these:

Ø May change, weaken, damage or destroy muscle
Ø May induce sudden total memory loss
Ø May increase eye cataract risk
Ø May suppress immune function
Ø Have been linked to cancer
Ø Have been linked to liver and kidney damage
Ø Are linked to muscle pain
Ø Deplete CoQ10 levels in the body
Ø May cause sleep disorders
Ø May cause erectile dysfunction

According to the Statin Effects Study of University of California, San Diego: “Muscle symptoms are common with statin drugs. “Myopathy”, involving actual damage to muscle tissue, can be very serious.”

A class action lawsuit is brewing over Pfizer’s LIPITOR®, the Kahn Gauthier Law Group is investigating possible legal actions against Pfizer, Inc., the manufacturer of the cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor, to recover for liver or kidney damage suffered by patients prescribed Lipitor.

AstraZeneca studied its Lipitor® look-alike, Crestor®, for cholesterol reduction in 24,000 patients, hoping to prove superiority. But the only dose of Crestor that clearly beat Lipitor turned out to cause kidney problems and never won FDA approval,” according to a Forbes report, May 8, 2006. Yet, Crestor’s ad slogan claims: “When Crestor performed in a head-to-head test, its lowering effect was clearly the best.”

For all the risks that they entail, do prescription drugs work?

In 2002, 100 million cholesterol prescriptions were issued in 2002! With this kind of coverage, why are we seeing an ever-increasing incidence of cardiovascular disease - more strokes and heart attacks every year?

“Our drugs do not work on most patients,” said the chief of Glaxosmithkline.

A senior executive said fewer than half of the patients prescribed some of the most expensive drugs actually derived any benefit from them, reported The Independent, London on December 8, 2003.

A Better Solution – safe, no side effects

Is there a better solution for Cardiovascular Disease than Statin Drugs and their negative side effects?

Yes, Bios Life - “the ONLY clinically-proven, patented, safe and natural alternative to statin drugs for cholesterol reduction”.

While statin drugs address high cholesterols with only one mechanism, i.e. by inhibiting the production of cholesterol by liver, Bios Life lowers cholesterol via 4 mechanisms:

Blocks re-absorption of cholesterol in gastrointestinal tract
Blocks absorption of cholesterol from digested food
Reduces cholesterol produced by the liver
Enhances enzymatic breakdown and removal of bad cholesterol

Clinical studies show Bios Life can, within 8 weeks:

Reduce LDL by as much as 31%
Increase HDL by as much as 29%

Used in conjunction with statin drugs, Bios Life can also help break through the “statin floor” – or the lowest LDL level that statin drugs can achieve - and provide an additional decrease in LDL of an average of 20%.

So, What Next?

Talk to me. Introduce me to friends and family who are on prescription drugs for cholesterol, are nervous about their side effects, and are open to at least check out “the only clinically-proven, patented, safe and natural alternative to statin drugs for cholesterol reduction”.

By the way, what are your numbers?

Here are some benchmarks on healthy cholesterol levels:

Healthy Total Cholesterol: 200 mg/dL or lower (consider 100 or lower)
Healthy LDL Cholesterol: 129 mg/dL or less
Normal HDL Cholesterol: 40 mg/dL or higher (consider 60 or more)
Acceptable Triglyceride Level: 150 mg/dL or lower

Yours in Wellness,

Eng Hai

Monday, May 22, 2006

"Don't you work?"

"Don't you work?", a neighbour asked me just now as we crossed each other's path on the stairs up to my home.

"Oh yes, I do," I responded readily, and merrily, adding that "I work from home, which gives me time during the day to "kaypoh" around the place." Kaypoh is Hokkien for being a busybody :)

Given the home-based nature of my Internet-supported Unicity enterprise, I have more flexibility than the average person in his/her 40s to attend to voluntary community affairs like serving on the Management Council of the Pandan Valley condominium.

I had just come back from spending some time with a key management staff, talking through some of the many little improvements we are making and can make in future to improve the look and feel of the estate and upgrade the amenities.

For example, we have a good number of facilities spread out over the sprawling Leisure Hub in one of the 7 blocks in this 623-unit condomnium. From the outside, these facilities - the Clubhouse, the Lounge, the multi-purpose room, the reading room - all look officious, unwelcoming and "no fun". So, I thought, why not label each facility nicely and brightly. At least, residents will know what they are passing up when they are passing by.

Simple things that can do a lot for many. That's what I like to do.

That very much describes my business, my work, too: Doing simple things that can do a lot for many.

Like what? Keeping in touch with friends, listening up for problems where I can make a contribution; sharing with whoever may be looking, the better health that my products can offer, or the independence, freedom, security and future that my home-based franchise can provide.

Often, I need not spend too much time talking, at least initially, for there is always a website, a product catalog or a book I can point them to e.g. that book on How To Make $4000 A Month Working From Home. Yes, that's what I do :)

When anyone decides that they really want to do something about their wellness, or start being their own boss by learning to build and building a business of their own, that's when I will spend a bit more time talking. Actually, it's more like getting them to do the talking, engaging them in conversation. I call that coaching and for that reason, I call myself a Coach.

As Coach, I help people get in touch with their core and inner-most desires, discover and decide what's most important to them, then encourage them to look into their inner strengths and latent capabilities to break through psychological barriers and their long-established "lack conditioning".

How do I get paid? Absolutely no coaching fees. Purely performance-based. I get a 5-20% cut of the profits they make. Good money, and I do mean GOOD.

Now, don't you think that I work?

Well, it depends on how you look at it.

Did someone say, when you enjoy what you do, you won't have to work for another day of your life?

My life and work has indeed become one.

In a few minutes, wife Chris will be back with the two kids, Jia Wei and Yan Ting, and a takeaway lunch. Pan mian, Chris said when she phoned home just now. Hey, we will get to have fun eating together, before I go out in the afternoon to meet a partner and a prospective customer.

Oh yes, I do work, and I do go out when I need to. I am home-based; not home-bound ;->

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Cancer Prevention Business

A Book Review
Title: Antioxidants Against Cancer
Author: Ralph W Moss, PhD

If you want to deepen your understanding on the power of antioxidants in the fight against the all-too-common scourge called cancer, read the book, Antioxidants Against Cancer, by Ralph W Moss.

If you want to share with someone who is acutely aware of the pain and fear of cancer, as well as the conventional treatments that it portends, lend them this book.

If you want to win over a medical professional, or challenge a doctor whom you believe is giving bad advice to a loved one about cancer treatment, insists the doctor read this book and then, give you his opinion.

This book makes great inflight reading, and so it was for me on April 9th 2006 as I was flying Singapore-Bali: I found time to read this book again, and this time, slowly, from cover to cover. By the time I was done, I wondered why I let the book sit on my bookshelves half-read, and why I do not have tens and tens of copies to give away or to lend to people.

For those of us who consider fighting cancer and preventing cancer one of our pet causes, personal battles or mission, do count this book among the must-have arsenals that we can use in this battle. (For me, it is my business: I am in the cancer prevention business!)

Let me share with you some of the many interesting ideas and empowering information I picked up from the book.


First, the author is a Director of, an online treatment information resources for cancer patients. He is a leading expert in America on cancer alternatives. He writes with authority, supported by hundreds of references, and yet simply. As oncologist Dr Stephen Sagar of Hamilton Regional Cancer Centre in Canada puts it, it is an excellent evidence-based summary, easily understood by both patients and their cancer treatement specialists.

"Antioxidants against Cancer", the book, is about how to activate your body's natural healing powers with today'smost protective and immune-boosting supplements and foods.

It is a definitive eye-opening book that will show you and your doctors why antioxidant therapy should be offered to every cancer patient. It reveals how we can use antioxidants to:

1. greatly reduce your risk of getting cancer
2. help prevent cancer recurrences
3. decrease the side effects of chemtotherapy and radiation
4. improve the results of conventional treatment.

In this book, we can learn which specific fruits and vegetables are the most powerful weapons in the fight against cancer. Discover which food supplements are an absolutely necessary part of your antioxidant program.

And up to now, I have been quoting extensively from the covers of the book - the front and the back covers! Hee Hee .... Remember I said I read it cover to cover ;->


Now, let's dig into some of the most interesting titbits from inside the book.

p. 5, table of contents: One glance shows that the book delves into the relevance and importance of more than a dozen well-known vitamins and supplements e.g. Vitamins A, C and E, Beta-carotene, CoQ10, Folic and Lipoic Acid .... The coverage is extensive, and can be digested chapter by chapter, starting with those names that one's more familiar with or have bene recommended to consume.

p. 15: On fruits & vegetables with the greatest antioxidant values (or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC), Blueberry tops the list. Also high on the list are blackberry, garlic, kale, strawberry, spinach, brussel sprouts, plum, alfafa sprouts, broccoli floret, beet, orange, red grape, red pepper ...

You know what that list makes me think about? Unicity's Daily Produce 24. Go read the label, see what we have to offer there!

Just in case someone runs away with the list to the supermarket, Ralph Moss presented the list against this contextual advice: "Food is the mainstay of your antioxidant program. But I strongly believe that it is necessary to take supplements in addition to foods in order to get the maximum benefit."

p. 102: Here is one personal nugget should help people and doctors who always worry about over-doses and taking too much supplements - a supplements program which Ralph Moss and his family takes ....

A good multi-vitamin/mineral pill (without iron)
Vitamins A, C and E
Lipoic acid
Grape seeds/Pycnogemnol
Mixed carotenoids

p. 101, Conclusions: In his concluding chapter, Ralph Moss summarize his 3 basic ideas as follows: 1. Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of cancer; 2. Supplements are a necessary part of any antioxidant program; 3. Antioxidants generally improve conventional cancer treatments by decreasing side effects without decreasing effectiveness.

p. 105, Appendix: The author cites 3 types of "synthetic antioxidants" in the appendix to make the point that while medical professionals question the benefit of dietary antioxidants for cancer patients on radiation and chemotherapy, they have been using "synthetic antioxidants" created in chemsitry labs to mimic and presumably improve upon the effects of dietary antioxidants. The point is, if oncologists can routinely prescribe "synthetic antioxidants" along with radiation and chemotherapy, why not dietary supplements?

p. 99: In the penultimate chapter on History Of A Controversy, Ralph Moss said: "In the last few years, we have witnessed a tremendous change in the attitude of scientists towards nutrition and cancer. For audiences of the 21st century, it will become increasingly difficult to understand how bitterly the American medical profession of the 20th century opposed the dietary approach to cancer. Doctors usually claimed they were defending the public from cancer quakery. But while there was some quakery, more often this charge was a figleaf to cover their fear of change."


I say: Whoa .......

I strongly recommend owning many copies of this book, one to read and to refer to, the rest to lend to others to empower them with life-enhancing information in the face of the ever-rising cancer scourge.

Book available from at US$9.95

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Divine Inspirations


Welcome to my blog, created on this the 15th day of May 2006. I have chosen to call it The 5E Network, naming it after my international network of business partners and customers.

In this maiden bogpost, let me share how I come to be a-blogging.

I was talking to my friend and business partner Sunny Chow over coffee this morning about some of the stuff I regularly send out by email, and he jumped on it, strongly urging me to have a blog where I can archive them for future reference and for the purpose of sharing with people for whom some of these email articles may be relevant. He said it'd take only a few minutes to create a blog. And I said, show me.

So, we walked over from the dining table to my computer in my home office and here I am ... with a blog of my own, sharing my thoughts and inspirations with the world. I never thought I'd be keeping a web-diary open to the world to see ;->

For completeness, and substance, here's the email article that got me started ...

----- Original Message -----
From: Lim Eng Hai
To: The 5E Network
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 7:32 AM
Subject: Listen up, listen well .... for Divine Inspirations ;->
Dear Friends & Partners,

I'd like to share with you some of the amazing messages that I've been picking up from Church lately.

I had learnt that to coach others well, we need to have a coach ourselves, so that we are learning as we are teaching.

I have a Coach .... in the Lord - The Greatest Coach In The World and The Greatest Teacher Of All Times!

Without prejudice to your individual beliefs, please allow me to share with you highlights of my most recent "coaching" sessions ;->



On April 30th, Pastor Prince shared a message that he said will spell "financial abundance" to whoever it is meant for. I know it is meant for me, among others.

Ask God for wisdom ...or, for "an understanding heart ... that I may discern between good and bad" as Solomon did at Gibeon, and everything thing else will follow - long life, riches and honour - 1 Kings 3

Have a listening heart. Listen not just with your ears but with your heart. Ask questions and listen, just as Jesus did at the age of 12.

After a visit to Jerusalem for the feast of the passover with his parents Joseph and Mary, Jesus "tarried", staying behind without the parents' knowledge. It was only one day later that they realized he was not with them. So, they turned back to look for him, and after 3 days, they found him. And what was he doing?

He was sitting amidst the priests at the temple, "both hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers." - Luke 2:46

Understanding shows through with listening and questioning, not talking! Therefore, be slow to speak, swift to hear ...

"Wherefore, my beloved breathren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God." - James 2:19-20

(That last message came at a time when I had just allowed myself to be visibly upset with a business associate over something. It drove to immediately seek to make amends.)


On May 7th, Pastor Lian spoke on wisdom has God had guided her to do, reinforced by a last minute call from Senior Pastor Prince during a moment of doubt ....

Wisdom is a person, she said. That person is Jesus. "Let Jesus be your wisdom from within".

When you need help, there is no need for elegant words spoken in prayers. Just cry out for him, and let him be your wisdom from within.

"The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy." - James 3:17.

Be prepared to accept correction, especially from the wise and anointed. God often speaks to us through others. Think of it as divine correction.

There is more hope for fools than people who think they know it all.

(I've been looking for the exact verse and wordings of the above in the Bible since last Sunday's service, but without success ... until yesterday ... when I caught up with an old friend over lunch. I shared with her the fun that I've been having with consulting God's Word, and my difficulty in locating this verse about wise men and fools. She helped me find it in The Book of Proverbs and pointed me to it late last night. Here it is ....)

"Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool than of him." - Proverbs 26:12


Lastly.... I was going to send out the above email when my son Jia Wei, who had woken up early, interrupted me, and helped me to achieve a "pause for effect".

He said he has something he must show me first. He led me to his room, and guess what he has drawn on the whiteboard?

Speaking and Listening ... A mouth on one side and an ear on the other, with waves connecting the two as the mouth speaks and the ear listens!

I was intrigued, and asked him what inspired him to draw that.

He led me to a book, turned to a page on "Loss of Hearing". It reads: "Hearing loss happens when the ear is damaged by loud sounds or sickness. People use hearing aids to hear better. Other people can't hear at all...." Smiling as I reflect on how "sickness" impairs most people's hearing without their ever realizing that, I closed the book to look at its title.


Jia Wei told me that he had just picked it up from the Library, yesterday.

Amazing! Pause for effect, indeed.

Let's enjoy these divine inspirations and revelations, have fun with them, and let them bless our days and our work :)
